Koso Med BIO POWER 88

Koso Med BIO POWER 88: Unlocking the Power of Fermented Plants

Koso Med BIO POWER 88 is a health supplement that has been gaining popularity among health-conscious individuals in recent years. It is an all-natural supplement that promises to provide a wide range of health benefits to the human body. In this article, we will take a closer look at Koso Med BIO POWER 88 and explore its benefits.

What is Koso Med BIO POWER 88?

Koso Med BIO POWER 88 is a health supplement made from 88 different types of fermented plant extracts, including fruits, vegetables, and grains. The supplement is rich in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, and is designed to improve overall health and wellbeing. The supplement is made using traditional Japanese fermentation techniques, which are known to enhance the bioavailability and effectiveness of the nutrients in the supplement.

Benefits of Koso Med BIO POWER 88:

Koso Med BIO POWER 88 offers a range of health benefits to the human body. Some of the most notable benefits of this supplement include:

Improved Digestion

The high concentration of enzymes and probiotics in Koso Med BIO POWER 88 helps to improve digestion and nutrient absorption in the body. This can help to reduce bloating, gas, and constipation.

Increased Energy

The nutrient-dense composition of Koso Med BIO POWER 88 provides the body with a sustained energy boost throughout the day.

Enhanced Immunity

The supplement is rich in antioxidants, which helps to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation in the body.

Better Skin Health

Koso Med BIO POWER 88 contains a range of vitamins and minerals that help to improve skin health and promote a youthful complexion.

Improved Mental Clarity

The supplement contains a range of nutrients that support brain function and improve mental clarity.


Undernourished but overfed. Have you ever come across the Japanese phrase “ishokudougen”? It stands for the notion that a balanced diet should be used to both prevent and treat ailments. Hence, food also serves as medicine. The key to a strong immune system, long life, general health, and mental well-being is a proper diet. Furthermore, when we refer to excellent nutrition, we mean consuming actual, naturally grown food in the right amounts.

Today, processed meats, fast meals, and nutrient-poor crops grown in artificial environments are the most popular foods consumed. Nowadays, despite being overfed, we frequently ignore the nutritional content of the food we eat, leaving us undernourished. The good bacteria and enzymes in our systems have also been diminished by an imbalanced diet. We are formed up of bacteria as humans. The healthy microorganisms in our body are what keep us alive. Our health deteriorates as our microbes do.


When you think about it, good health is all about common sense science. Simply speaking, we turn food into fuel for our body. Of course, we want the best fuel. Our body in turn digests that fuel into proper nutrition to support the many functions that occur. This process is 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. So, what we put into our bodies will dictate our health. As a concerned society, let us examine the food chain more closely. If we can conclude that we are what we eat, then we should choose what we put into our bodies carefully! 

The farming sector has altered to begin with. Genetically modified produce is becoming more and more common, while pesticides and herbicides are frequently used in cultivation. Organic farming, which 

still the healthiest and most environmentally friendly practice, receives insufficient support from both the business community and governments. Each year, more people around the world fall victim to genetic abnormalities, bacterial illnesses, and chemical exposure. Higher standards and regulations must be imposed to guarantee the quality and safety of our food in order for society’s health to improve.

This distinguishes Koso Med from competing businesses. We take great care to ensure that our fruits, vegetables, and herbs are grown in accordance with Japanese Agriculture Standards, the highest standard of agricultural excellence in the world. Our approaches have been successful for more than a century, and our soils and rivers are both pristine. The two most important components of Koso Med’s work are the source and the procedure.


Our farms are owned and run by us in Japan. We use the motto “Tender Loving Care” as our guiding principle when creating our products. A high concentration of enzymes (Koso, or enzymes in Japanese), antioxidants, minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, 

vitamins, and over 12,000 beneficial plant compounds can be found in fruits and vegetables cultivated according to this philosophy.

By fermenting our meals with a unique strain of 52 friendly bacteria, we take things a step further and predigest and preserve the finished result. The beneficial microorganisms are unique to Japan.

According to recent evidence, changed food is bad for society. At Koso Med, we categorically do not farm our crops with GMOs or any dangerous chemicals. Our edible herbs are collected in the spring from Alpine highlands. We gather our food 

every day, thus the quality of our items is assured. Due to the close proximity of our facility to our farm, we are able to preserve the quality of our food straight away. Why waste any freshness when there is a race against time? We need the freshest ingredients possible in order to use our proprietary fermentation technique, which preserves all the goodness, to give the living enzymes, vitamins, probiotics, and other helpful components. We provide you the bounty of the farms!


Koso Med—a corporation engaged in fermentation? How are foods converted into health products? First off, a lot of foods have historically been fermented, including yogurt, cheese, meat, fish, dairy, vegetables, soybeans, legumes, fruits, and many more. Similar to how our ancestors preserved food through fermentation before refrigerators and freezers were invented. These are quick fermentation processes, though, so you might not always get the fantastic advantages like digestive enzymes, probiotics, minerals, antioxidants, and more. For our bodies’ digestive systems, the pre-digestive phase is crucial. Your body works hard to digest solid foods, and less than 5% of the nutrients are really absorbed.

52 strains of potent friendly bacteria (Microbiome) are used in an unique fermentation process by Kozo Med to produce healthy products. The procedure, which lasts more than a year, releases thousands of cofactors that are good for your general health.

There are around 10,000 enzymes in the body. Enzymes support every action that takes place.

Hence, organ functions begin to fail if the body is deficient in enzymes. Premature aging, wrinkles, hair loss, insomnia, and a wide range of dangerous disorders are all symptoms of an enzyme deficiency. Your body will fail without enzymes and you will expire. Our body produces fewer and fewer enzymes as we become older. We lose 10 to 15% of our capacity to produce enzymes every ten years. In order to enhance the body, enzyme therapy is increasingly employed in conjunction with other treatments. This is notably evident in the domains that deal with metabolic syndrome.

The “Made to Go Food,” such as frozen foods, packaged foods, quick foods, and other foods in a box, is another element that contributes to our enzyme deficiency. In Okinawa, Japan, residents of the Gold Zone (where more than half of the population lives over the age of 100) consume a variety of locally produced, fermented foods that are high in enzymes. That factual information should be compared to the 69-year-old worldwide average life expectancy. Hence, those who consume enough live enzymes live longer.


Koso Med Health Food Items can now be contrasted with other products. It’s crucial to know how to read labels while choosing health items. You can notice and read many warning flags, but the key is when it is practically impossible to understand terminology like hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose, or even more simple words like anticaking agents. Please have a look at one of the products we chose at random below.


Koso Med BIO POWER 88 is an all-natural health supplement that provides a range of health benefits to the human body. It is rich in enzymes, vitamins, and minerals, and is designed to improve digestion, boost energy levels, enhance immunity, improve skin health, and improve mental clarity. While the price of the supplement may be higher than some other supplements, the benefits it provides make it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to improve their overall health and wellbeing.


Koso Med BIO POWER 88

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